The Vicar Speaks

Sermons are offered in text and as audio and video streams - just click the appropriate link for the format you wish to use.
All material linked to from this page is copyright © by Father Hugh Bowron who asserts his right to be recognised as the author and owner of all rights associated.
Green slippersLent 5 : 21 March 2021
An icon representing Christ in green slippers is the starting point of Our Vicar's review of what sets the tone for Holy Week.
Sin and freedomLent 4 : 14 March 2021
One of the standards of sermonising, there is still lots to be said of sin. Freedom perhaps features less often, but there is a connection.
Describing healthFifth Sunday in Ordinary Time : 7 February 2021
The Gospel reading this morning brings to mind the changes over time in what constitutes good health – and some constants which remain true throughout time.
Essence of faithSecond Sunday in Ordinary Time : 17 January 2021
Traversing Mother Teresa, this morning's readings and sundry poets, Our Vicar arrives at the essence of faith.
Of shepherds and angelsChristmas Day : 25 December 2020
Of all the common Christmas images, shepherds and angels must be front and centre. But are they what we have always imagined?
HopeAdvent 2 : 6 December 2020
Just what hope do we have for our future? Opinions vary says Our Vicar.
Letter from PaulAdvent 1 : 29 November 2020
This morning's letter to the Corinthians has much to say of our Christian life and service.
Accidental ChristiansFeast of Christ the King : 22 November 2020
One interpretation of this morning's gospel reading suggests that doing good things for “the least of these” ensures redemption. But perhaps rather more is required of those of us in the Church.
Reckonings33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 15 November 2020
As Advent approaches, we can usefully look at how we contribute to our Church.
Battles and moralsRemembrance Day : 8 November 2020
Our Vicar turns his attention to the Battle of Britain and subsequent large scale bombing raids and asks what might have been better done.
The perils of saint makingAll Saints : 1 November 2020
Not all saints are created equal – making them seems to be a very human exercise and subsequently results in candidates, including successful candidates, of varying standard.
Emphasis on empathy30th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 25 October 2020
The fashionable concentration on emotion in all things is not always helpful. So where does that leave the Christian goal of loving God and our neighbour above all else?
Fast talking29th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 18 October 2020
“How are Christians to make their way in a world in which power is ... unavoidable ... and in which compromises sometimes have to be made?” The scriptures – of course – hold some clues says Our Vicar.
What upsets God?28th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 11 October 2020
“Can what we do affect God?” Our Vicar has the answer.
Doing good27th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 4 October 2020
Is doing good works in our community the way to the perfect Christian life? Or not?
Enjoying it26th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 27 September 2020
From the early Philippian church to the Little Brothers of Jesus working “in forgotten pockets of the great cities of the world” to our humdrum day-to-day lives, concentrating on what is truly important leads to happiness.
The first, the late and the last25th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 20 September 2020
This morning's gospel reading includes one of the most famous quotes in scripture – but what does it suggest about how our Church has developed – and what will come next?
Pass on the Favour24th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 13 September 2020
From home truths for our parishioners to understanding how we could deserve God's mercy.
What Kind of Love?23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 6 September 2020
This morning's readings can help us understand love and how it works.
The harvest of the Spirit22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 30 August 2020
This morning's gospel gives some insight into how precepts from 2,000 years ago can apply in today's world.
The numinous feeling of awe before the mystery21st Sunday in Ordinary Time : 23 August 2020
Saint Paul's life was turned upside down, but good things came of it.
Food for thought18th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 2 August 2020
Food features in many of the stories of Our Lord's earthly ministry. As with so much of the bible, the obvious is not the whole story.
Go for broke17th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 26 July 2020
Starting with a comparison of James Bond with Jesus, Our Vicar ponders the importance of sometimes running a risk in our Christian life.
Dealing with evil16th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 19 July 2020
It is tempting to wish that God will make everything right for us – but we perhaps do not know what is best for us.
Give it a go15th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 12 July 2020
This morning we heard the parable of the sower – and Our Vicar has a new take on what it can mean for us.
Deepest and darkest14th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 5 July 2020
This morning's gospel reading leads to an idea of how we might best attempt to understand God.
Vestrys of the past
At morning Services this year, Our Vicar presented two addresses from his research into the parish history. Each covered vestry members from different eras.
Devouring, digesting, assimilating, indwellingCorpus Christi : 14 June 2020
From the outset it is clear that this Sermon provides food for thought.
The Passion of Christ, the time of ironic reversalsGood Friday : 10 April 2020
In some respects the Passion Narrative is like a sophisticated movie – the obvious story is not whole story.
Note the full service is available in video on our Services page.
Learning from mistakesPalm Sunday : 5 April 2020
This year's Palm Sunday sermon looks at another opportunity for us to learn from the stories of scripture.
Note the full service is available in video on our Services page.
Fear notFifth Sunday in Lent : 29 March 2020
On the first Sunday of the country's COVID-19 lockdown, with people unable to attend Services, Our Vicar emphasises a central truth of the Christian religion: “We need not be afraid of death; it holds no terrors for us.”
Note the full service is available in video on our Services page.
Know thyselfFourth Sunday in Lent : 22 March 2020
Sometimes to know God we need to look at ourselves.
The priority of worshipThird Sunday in Lent : 15 March 2020
A simple question with somewhat less simple explanation: “What is worship?”
The point of it allFirst Sunday in Lent : 1 March 2020
In a wide-ranging address Our Vicar looks at the real point of being Christian.
Too hardSeventh Sunday in Ordinary time : 23 February 2020
This morning's gospel reading is one of those in which Our Vicar says the teaching seems so hard that we don't have a hope of living up to it. Never one to duck a challenge however, he explains just what the final section of the sermon on the mount is about.
Wendy Stocks R.I.P.Third Sunday in Ordinary time : 26 January 2020
Our Vicar's eulogy at this morning's Requiem Mass in memory of parishioner Wendy Stocks.
Miracle Working PowersBaptism of The Lord : 12 January 2020
How do miracles fit in to our faith and life?
What's in a name?Christmas Day : 25 December 2019
Naming a child ‘is a significant act by parents” – most of all perhaps for the most important Child of all.
Is it good news?3rd Sunday in Advent : 15 December 2019
“Religious people have a responsibility to weigh up carefully the general content and tone of their off-duty conversations.” – from John the Baptist to present day Vicars, emulating Christ's example is key.
Hymn to HimFeast of Christ the King : 24 November 2019
Today's reading from Colossians prompts thoughts of the place of hymns and of Christ in our life and worship.
Waiting for the end33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 17 November 2019
The readings this morning raise thoughts of how best we should await the end times.
Historical amnesiaArmistice Day Observance : 10 November 2019
As we mark Armistice Day, Our Vicar's attention turns to the less obvious points deserving of remembrance.
Being humanAll Saints : 27 October 2019
What does it mean to be human?. Our Vicar finds some clues in this morning's readings.
Those legions of submerged AnglicansAt Evensong: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 20 October 2019
A look at the whys and wherefores of reduced Church congregations–and at how we can react.
The cleansing, purifying judgement of The LordAt Morning Services: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 20 October 2019
Our Vicar considers and contrasts justice as exercised by us and by God.
God's gift27th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 6 October 2019
This morning's reading from 2 Timothy prompts a reflection on the theme “God's gift was not a spirit of timidity”.
Fairweather disciples23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 8 September 2019
Hard on the heels of the Gospel reading which prompted Our Vicar’s Going all out sermon (25 August) comes this morning’s reading from Luke. Why do so many people now drift away from the Church?
Going all out21st Sunday in Ordinary Time : 25 August 2019
This morning’s Gospel passage makes it clear Christians cannot rely on half-hearted participation.
My fascinating self18th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 4 August 2019
Paul’s message to the Colossians this morning warns against seeing ourselves as the centre of the universe. There is something more important – and more interesting.
Messages16th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 21 July 2019
Messages are not always clear to understand. That is not a new thing as the Gospels demonstrate.
East is East...14th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 7 July 2019
... and West is West, but the Eastern and Western Churches have lots in common says Our Vicar.
Parish beginningsPatronal Festival : 30 June 2019
The next edition in our Patronal Festival parish history series.
Gripes with CorinthiansCorpus Christi : 23 June 2019
In this wide-ranging sermon Our Vicar starts with a vicarage wife of his student days, continues with St Paul and segues into how Corinthian foibles can suggest good behaviour to us.
Third personTrinity : 16 June 2019
The Trinity Sunday sermon examines the part the Holy Spirit plays in our lives.
Holy placesAscension : 2 June 2019
Our Vicar considers the ways we try to emulate the mysteries presented by Our Lord.
Lessons from LiverpoolEaster 5 : 19 May 2019
Starting in Liverpool, a city he knows well, Our Vicar considers the application of lessons from this morning’s readings.
What He did for them ...Easter 4 : 12 May 2019
Our Vicar looks at the ’brief season’ of appearances by Our Lord following His resurrection – and what it offers us here and now.
Harvest of soulsHarvest Festival : 28 April 2019
As we celebrate Harvest Festival this year during the Easter Season, Our Vicar looks at the mighty harvest which has been under way now for over two thousand years.
The Easter sermons

Living againEaster Day : 21 April 2019

Cold caseHoly Saturday : 20 April 2019

It is finishedGood Friday : 19 April 2019
With the assistance of the stage show Jesus Christ Superstar, our Assistant Priest looks at Palm Sunday as the start of the transition from Lent into Easter.
ConsolidationLent 2 : 17 March 2019
Many of us worry about the Church shrinking. However, this is not a new phenomenon and Our Vicar suggests it is not always a bad thing either.
Good heart, kind tongueOrdinary 8 : 3 March 2019
This morning’s readings talk about what we say reflecting our real self. But it is so easy to be snide and unkind. What to do?
Pain and sufferingOrdinary 6 : 17 February 2019
Is pain and suffering to be endured without question or avoided at all cost? Do they have a part to play in Christian life?
Power of the numinous, fear of the LordOrdinary 5 : 10 February 2019
Our Vicar looks at the nature of our relationship with Our God.
Apostle to Overseer to Bishop to VicarOrdinary 3 : 27 January 2019
A look at the way in which ministries in the Church have evolved from the pattern outlined in this morning’s Corinthians reading to what we have now.
Inconvenient truthsOrdinary 2 : 20 January 2019
The biblical Corinthians exhibited many failings – and identifying them has lessons for us.
Jesus our mutant SaviourChristmas Day : 25 December 2018
Our Christmas sermon looks at the genetic implications of the Virgin Birth.
Christmas pastAdvent 4 : 23 December 2018
Advent almost over, Our Vicar looks at how our celebrations of Christmas have changed over the years.
Taking someone a little way along the roadAdvent 2 : 9 December 2018
Considering the ways we influence – without always knowing so – those around us, Our Vicar looks at Scriptural and contemporary examples.
Coming in a cloudAdvent 1 : 2 December 2018
As Advent begins, Our Vicar looks at just how the Second Coming may happen – and how or whether we can know when.
The Church which almost wasFeast of the Dedication : 18 November 2018
As we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of our Church, Our Vicar tells some of the story of the mission Church of St Peter the Less ‐ including the tale of the Church which was almost built.
Keeping faith with the past and the future of the churchAll Saints : 4 November 2018
’There has been rather too much emphasis on the here and now dimension of Christian life in the way the Faith has often been talked about in recent years’
Listening EarsOrdinary 29 : 21 October 2018
Fresh from a month’s leave, Our Vicar discusses whether it is possible to usefully take on the worries of others.
Recognising RitualOrdinary 22 : 2 September 2018
Our Vicar considers the place of ritual in our lives and worship.
Groupies or Loyal FansOrdinary 21 : 26 August 2018
Are we here–for–a–season Christians or the loyal lifelong friends of Jesus, with Him in His church until the end?
His real presence Sunday by SundayOrdinary 20 : 19 August 2018
An explanation of what Anglicans understand by Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist.
Perplexed and EmbarrassedThe Transfiguration : 8 August 2018
Our Vicar discusses the ’deeper meaning and significance’ of the Transfiguration.
Dealing with DiversityOrdinary 16 : 22 July 2018
As this morning’s reading from Ephesians shows, the question of how diverse people can happily coexist is not new to our times. What can Ephesians tell us about how we can and should approach diversity amongst our fellows?
Catholicisation of Saint Peter’sPatronal Festival : 1 July 2018
’As is my recent custom on the Patronal Festival...’ Our Vicar introduces the next instalment of his researches into our history; this time it is the period when Saint Peter’s became an established Anglo-Catholic parish.
Or watch the Bishop’s Ordination Sermon on YouTube.
End of TimeCorpus Christi : 3 June 2018
We are used to seeing time as a single continuum – it moves inexorably in one direction. Events like the Resurrection though are present in both the past and the present; in both the present and the future. Our Vicar looks at how we might understand this.
Amazing ThingsPentecost : 20 May 2018
Not everyone is convinced of the usefulness of various exuberant practices of the evangelical and charismatic movements but, says Our Vicar, ’...The Holy Spirit makes amazing things happen when that is required...’.
Systems TheoryEaster 6 : 6 May 2018
Yes, even The Church now has Systems Theory. Learn all about it!
Nurturing the vineEaster 5 : 29 April 2018
Increased interest amongst New Zealanders in wines and wine making make the metaphor in this morning’s Gospel easier for us to understand, but there is still plenty to ponder.
Good ShepherdEaster 4 : 22 April 2018
What does it mean to be a good shepherd? And what does Christ our shepherd offer us? – and our priests and ministers?
ResurrectionEaster 3 : 15 April 2018
A look at the place of the Resurrection in life and theology.
Life and DeathEaster Day : 1 April 2018
On the day of resurrection, Our Vicar looks into the real meaning of our birth, life and rebirth.
That Enrapturing VisionLent 5 : 18 March 2018
As Holy Week approaches, Our Vicar looks at Our Lord’s earthly mission and how it altered at the cross.
Three events and a promiseLent 3 : 4 March 2018
In a follow-up to last week’s sermon, Our Vicar looks into the Old Testament. How reliable is it? What does it really tell us?
Pagan InfluenceHarvest Festival : 25 February 2018
Harvest Festival is an opportunity to consider the influence and risks of basing Church festivals on pre-Christian habits.
Little AngelsLent 1 : 18 February 2018
As Lent gets under way, Our Vicar suggests it is a good time to give the angelic side of our natures a chance to shine.
Mystery and Power, Respect and AweOrdinary 5 : 4 February 2018
Secular versions of Jesus ignore what is really important. And with Lent looming we do well to concentrate on what is important.
Tories at Prayer?Ordinary 4 : 28 January 2018
Starting from disruptions during Services, visiting Marks’s Gospel then noting the state of the modern church, Our Vicar arrives at the importance of confidence in God.
Be ThankfulOrdinary 3 : 21 January 2018
This morning’s readings perhaps boil down to this thought – Be Thankful.
Closer than KissingOrdinary 2 : 14 January 2018
’I'd be prepared to bet that most clergy this Sunday will pass over the Corinthians reading in silence...’ – but not Our Vicar, who considers Christchurch, Corinth, cohabitation and Church as he looks at the place and importance of marriage.
Family paradoxesHoly Family : 31 December 2017
On the Feast of the Holy Family, Our Vicar looks at Jesus’ family and considers what family – both blood and Christian – mean to us.
Honouring AdventAdvent 3 : 17 December 2017
Advent is not simply a preparation season for Christmas. It has its own place in our faith and deserves respect. As evidenced in this morning’s Gospel.
No Time is Slack TimeAdvent 1 : 3 December 2017
What should we do about the current secular attack upon Christianity?
War and Us and GodRemembrance Sunday : 12 November 2017
Our Vicar ponders the question of war – what it can mean to us and where the Church fits.
Funeral mattersAll Souls : 5 November 2017
Practical considerations when planning a funeral.
Remarkable ChurchmenAll Saints : 29 October 2017
Celebrating the Feast of All Saints, Our Vicar remembers three men of God who have been examples to admire and suggests we remember the people who have influenced our Christian life.
A Politician’s AnswerOrdinary 29 : 22 October 2017
’Do we allow God to have the same sort of authority in our lives that the IRD has? That’s the key question’.
Going off the boilOrdinary 28 : 15 October 2017
Why do some Christians just lose interest in their religion? And why does it matter?
Responsible tenantsOrdinary 27 : 8 October 2017
The Gospel this morning tells the story of the tenants in the vineyard – and Our Vicar finds it apt not only two thousand years ago and not only in the vineyard.
Just desertsOrdinary 24 : 17 September 2017
Prompted by this morning’s readings, Our Vicar ponders the nature and place of forgiveness.
Modern disciplineOrdinary 23 : 10 September 2017
The modern church must maintain standards without recourse to easy sanctions which were available to the ancient –and even only slightly older–church. So what to do? Give up? Or find another way.
Bearing our crossOrdinary 22 : 3 September 2017
We can edit out the unhappy bits when watching a movie, but not so in real life. Our Vicar considers what the unhappy bits can offer.
Making Anglican sense of the PopeOrdinary 21 : 27 August 2017
Anglicans are in a way the middle road – not centrally controlled as with the Roman Catholic Church, yet nominally a single global congregation. Can this continue or must things change?
Anglicans and OthersOrdinary 20 : 20 August 2017
The Scandal of Particularity suggests one religion is as good as any other – can we accept that? – Should we?
Anglican MaryThe Assumption : 13 August 2017
As we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption, Our Vicar considers just what Mary means – can mean – to Anglicans.
Thinking about JesusThe Transfiguration : 6 August 2017
On the Feast of the Transfiguration Our Vicar considers how Jesus has been seen over the ages.
That smudged and indistinct imageOrdinary 17 : 30 July 2017
We are told we are made in the image and likeness of God – but just what does that mean?
Dealing with evilOrdinary 16 : 23 July 2017
There are those who want God to do it all for us –’striking down malefactors, raising up the righteous and preventing bad things happening to good people.’ This is not how it works–nor could it–nor should it explains Our Vicar.
Parable paradoxyOrdinary 15 : 16 July 2017
Jesus often taught in parables, but they can seem to obscure as often as elucidate and it is tempting to think they do not apply to us because we have heard them all before. Our Vicar suggests otherwise.
Different loadsOrdinary 14 : 9 July 2017
We are all called to play our part, but not all parts are the same and that should not worry us.
Pentecost Double BillPentecost : 4 June 2017
Spirit at work

On the feast of Pentecost, Our Vicar looks at how The Holy Spirit works wonders with us.
Bishops past

and at Evensong he discusses the special contributions of early Bishops of our diocese – just as a new one is about to be appointed.
AdvocacyEaster 6 : 21 May 2017
In some ways Christ may be seen as our advocate with The Father. But can we effectively advocate with Him directly?
PlacesEaster 5 : 14 May 2017
The emperor Constantine’s mother, Helena, initiated a new development – the identification of places which were a geographical part of Jesus’ life and the habit of visiting them. Is this a good thing? – a useful thing? – a distraction?
Shared historyEaster 4 : 7 May 2017
This morning we dedicated the Woodhouse memorial window, recently recovered from the deconsecrated Holy Cross church and installed at Saint Peter’s. Our Vicar looks at some of the shared history of the two parishes.
20 ScenesEaster 3 : 30 April 2017
Something of a movie buff, Our Vicar looks at this morning’s Gospel reading with a film critic’s eye – and finds a truth.
Sources of FaithEaster 2 : 23 April 2017
’Is it a religious experience that brings people to belief in faith?’ Listen for Our Vicar’s answer.
Nothing NewEaster Day : 16 April 2017
We are inclined to think of scepticism as a modern habit, but it was alive and well even at the time of the first Easter. So how did Christianity grow, spread and prosper for 2000 years and counting? Our Vicar explains.
Looking backGood Friday : 14 April 2017
We tend to look back on life and wonder ’what if’ – but Christ’s life is a template for the future.
EarthquakePalm Sunday : 9 April 2017
Today's Passion Narrative describes an earthquake occurring just after Jesus breathes His last. Why does it get such heavy-handed coverage?
Skirmishes with deathLent 5 : 2 April 2017
Death, ’the last enemy’, is part of life, but for Christians it is more than that.
Confronting EvilMothering Sunday : 26 March 2017
Was Jesus just young and stupid when he provoked those around him, or was it all part of God’s purpose?
Luther and UsLent 3 : 19 March 2017
Five hundred years after Martin Luther nailed his theses to a church door, this morning’s Epistle reading is central to Luther’s argument. So what can we learn from this in the 21st Century?
Growing UpLent 2 : 12 March 2017
’ ...we might take a deep breath and use this Lenten season to identify the needy, immature ... bits of ourselves ... and ask Him to surround those not so wonderful parts of our lives with compassionate and healing love.’
TemptationLent 1 : 5 March 2017
As Lent gets under way, Our Vicar ponders temptation – how it affects us and what we can do about it.
Urban HarvestHarvest Thanksgiving : 26 February 2017
It seems strange for an urban parish to make a fuss over the harvest, but Our Vicar discovers there is good reason for us all to take harvest to heart.
Making Sense6th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 12 February 2017
Making sense of the Bible and of religion in general requires making sense of ourselves – no easy thing, but we have been shown the way.
The Faithful FewCandelmas : 5 February 2017
Living in an age when the number of professing Christians seems to reduce every time new figures are published, it is easy for us to lose heart. But be of good cheer, Our Vicar says it was always thus – and numbers are not the be all and end all anyway.
The God Bit4th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 29 January 2017
The Beatitudes have been taken by many as the foundation of their faith. But many of these people are missing the most important part.
Why Geography Matters3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time : 22 January 2017
’We need to know the details of the place in which Jesus lived and ministered because they shed light on the message he preached.’
Nothing new?Baptism of the Lord : 15 January 2017
’Inclusiveness’ is quite the fashionable attitude of the early 21st Century. Today’s sermon finds it featuring in the Acts of the Apostles though and Our Vicar says it has always been and should always be a hallmark of Christian life.
Significance of wise menEpiphany : 8 January 2017
Why did the magi turn up for Christ’s birth? Was it politics perhaps? Or the beginning of a greater human striving for understanding?
Forming faithSt Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen : 1 January 2017
Celebrating the Feast of St Basil the Great and St Gregory Nazianzen, Our Vicar looks at their part in forming the faith we profess.
Part 1 : preached at the morning Eucharist
Part 2 : preached at Evensong : ’And don’t forget Gregory of Nyssa.’
Shepherds and sheepChristmas Day : 25 December 2016
On Christmas morning Our Vicar ponders what makes a good shepherd and whether we make good sheep.
In His own timeAdvent 3 : 11 December 2016
’...God is directing the human story in His own way and in His own time...’ – so perhaps we should just chill!
What is a prophet?Advent 2 : 4 December 2016
From James K. Baxter, via John the Baptist and Bob Dylan, Our Vicar ponders the nature of prophets.
The nature of judgementAdvent 1 : 27 November 2016
Our Vicar begins Advent with two sermons on the nature of judgement and why we should not rush to see it all around.
Authority and trustChrist the King : 20 November 2016
’Becoming a Christian means agreeing to give Jesus Christ your glad obedience’ – not a populist thought these days perhaps, but of the essence for all that.
History againFeast of the dedication : 13 November 2016
On the feast of the dedication of Saint Peter’s Our Vicar gives another update on his researches into our parish history.
PurgatoryAll Souls : 6 November 2016
’I think it’s a doctrine which Christians can honestly have differences of opinion about’ – so what does happen when we die?
The Problem with SaintsAll Saints : 30 October 2016
On All Saints Day Our Vicar ponders just what makes a Saint and who can be or even is unwittingly already a Saint.
Retail SpiritualismOrdinary 30 : 23 October 2016
Spiritualism is becoming more popular, but is it the real thing? – Come to that, what is the real thing?
Prayer that changes thingsOrdinary 29 : 16 October 2016
’Is it legitimate to pray for good weather?’ So starts Our Vicar’s look at what prayer can do and how we can do it.
Thankful SpiritsOrdinary 28 : 9 October 2016
Our Vicar looks at the importance of being actively thankful for the good things in our lives.
Depth of FaithOrdinary 27 : 2 October 2016
’How deep is your faith?’ – Our Vicar looks at the need for continuing conversion in our lives.
Better to Serve in HeavenOrdinary 26 : 25 September 2016
’If God did that we wouldn’t need faith...’ – would that matter? – why?
Struggling with HypocrisyOrdinary 25 : 18 September 2016
This morning’s readings concern the human propensity to say one thing in prayer and behave differently in life. Is this avoidable in the modern world?
Breaking BreadOrdinary 22 : 28 August 2016
’Meals meant a lot for the ministry of Jesus...’ And they are important still – but is it only the food and conversation which matter?
Complacent ReligionOrdinary 21 : 21 August 2016
’Salvation isn’t handed out with the rations.’ We need to keep working on our faith to make the most of life.
MilestonesAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary : 14 August 2016
The early Church placed much emphasis on worrying about exactly what happens to us after death. Our Vicar explains there are other milestones which tell us more about the Christian way.
Remaking JesusFeast of the Transfiguration : 7 August 2016
All generations remake Jesus to fit their interests and concerns. But such efforts often ’...reduce the Gospel to a pale reflection...’ says Our Vicar.
Christian HospitalityOrdinary 16 : 17 July 2016
’...hospitality is a Christian virtue that applies right across the denominational spectrum.’ But just what is Christian hospitality? Our Vicar explains.
Lifegiving ChoiceOrdinary 15 : 10 July 2016
It is not what our enemies do to us, but what we do about it that matters.
Rejecting EvilOrdinary 14 : 3 July 2016
It is not so fashionable to believe in the Devil and all his works, but the only explanation for some human actions still is a personification of evil – ’the Father of Lies’.
Kings and MatriarchsPatronal Festival : 26 June 2016
In which Our Vicar tells of some stories discovered while researching our parish history.
The Cost of being a ChristianOrdinary 12 : 19 June 2016
’ a way the Roman Empire did the Church a favour by persecuting it....’ – Just how do Christians turn adversity to gain?
Wrongdoing and RegenerationOrdinary 11 : 12 June 2016
’...we should show some courage and dash in our Christian living...’
The Salvation BusinessOrdinary 10 : 5 June 2016
How much notice should the Church take of fashionable causes? When should it let them influence its teaching and when should it stand firm? Our Vicar explains.
Classic FamilyTrinity : 22 May 2016
The worldwide Anglican Communion is very like a domestic family – several independent characters presumably acting in each other’s best interests. But does it always work for the best? Our Vicar has some thoughts, and an idea from the year 1414 which may help.
Knowing the SpiritPentecost : 15 May 2016
The Bible shows us several explanations of the Holy Spirit. How do we decide which to accept?
TransitionAscension : 8 May 2016
Ascension is a time of transition. ’... things are going to be different from now.’ But did this difference happen once and for all 2000 years ago, or is it still under way?
Transmitting the EssenceEaster 6 : 1 May 2016
The upcoming Clergy School prompts Our Vicar to compare its likely style to the style God uses when He wishes to make sure we understand.
Loving One AnotherEaster 5 : 24 April 2016
In one of the readings this morning Christ tells us to love one another. Just how might we go about that?
Explaining Away the ResurrectionEaster 4 : 17 April 2016
’There’s a theory that’s been going the rounds amongst sceptical New Testament scholars.....that rather beggars belief.’
Being AnglicanEaster 3 : 10 April 2016
’The Anglican Church is a strange creature in its makeup.’ Whatever can Our Vicar be getting at? – Listen and see.
Fact of FaithEaster 2 : 3 April 2016
Our Vicar, a trained historian, looks at how much the facts matter in forming our faith.
AngelsEaster Day : 27 March 2016
God’s messengers, angels have fallen from popular acceptance, but ...
Authentic LoveGood Friday : 25 March 2016
’In the last night of his life, Jesus went on loving people who he knew would let him down.’
– At the last, Christ demonstrated the authentic, unselfish love we have been striving for ever since.
Total TrustMaundy Thursday : 24 March 2016
Christ’s prayer in the garden at Gethsemane is Our Vicar’s starting point this evening.
Inviting RejectionPalm Sunday : 20 March 2016
Christ’s behaviour when entering Jerusalem almost seemed to invite rejection. Our Vicar suggests this is an inevitable consequence of living a good life. Is this a warning and/or comfort to us?
Extravagant BehaviourLent 5 : 13 March 2016
Extravagant behaviour is not uncommon in the Gospels, but what should a 21st century reader read in to it?
Gratitude for FaithMothering Sunday : 6 March 2016
French military history, Waitangi Day, Chinese New Year celebrations and America’s Thanksgiving Day all come to Our Vicar’s mind during the reading this morning. Why? ...
Calamity and SinLent 3 : 28 February 2016
It is hardly fashionable to connect events of our daily lives with divine inspiration. Is the modern world overlooking a powerful point?
Bearing the CrossLent 2 : 21 February 2016
Our Vicar introduces some tips for successful preaching – does he apply them today?
Tools for LentLent 1 : 14 February 2016
From the washing machine in the vicarage, to spiritual leaders, to us, some testing and preparation is of the essence. Our Vicar follows this thread to suggestions for how we may deepen our spiritual practice during Lent.
Decisions DecisionsCandlemas : 7 February 2016
How do we make decisions? ... How should we? ... What part does faith pay?
Drama of LiturgyOrdinary 3 : 24 January 2016
’...the liturgy itself is substantially sourced from ... the Bible. Which is why it is very unjust that the Anglican Church is from time to time accused of being a non-scriptural church.’
Wedding StoryOrdinary 2 : 17 January 2016
The story of the wedding at Cana ’is a story with lots of loose ends...’ – but it leads us to important questions.
Alive in UsBaptism of The Lord : 10 January 2016
Baptism is the first step in being filled by the Holy Spirit – but do we make the most of it or let it wither? And how do we tell?
Gospels for ExportEpiphany : 3 January 2016
‘Never be deceived by apparently discouraging circumstances ... God’s purposes are advancing.’
The 2015 Christmas Sermons
War and PeaceChristmas Eve : 24 December 2015
The Christmas story is of peace and cuteness. The people involved were likely anything but.
Not what We doChristmas Day : 25 December 2015

The Christmas story illustrates one of the great truths. It is not we who choose God. Rather it is God who chose us.
Anticipatory MagnanimityAdvent 3 : 13 December 2015
’’s the spirit of Jesus...’ Our Vicar explains we can afford to be magnanimous because ’we know how the story ends’.
A New People for a New AgeAdvent 2 : 6 December 2015
Paul and the Philippian Christians he is writing to are working to a different time scale compared to their contemporaries. What can we learn from their method?
Essence of AdventAdvent 1 : 29 November 2015
Our Vicar ranges from Nazi Germany to Thessalonica in Gospel times to present day writers to demonstrate the essence of the Christian faith in Advent.
Small Acts of ObedienceChrist the King : 22 November 2015
’A tale of Kings and Queens’ – Just what does it mean to call Christ Lord? And how do we show it in the modern world?
History and TheologyOrdinary 33 : 15 November 2015
A walk through the development of the Church – from the earliest times to the as yet unknown.
Past and FutureDedication of the Church : 8 November 2015
A look at the history of our parish’s development – and how we can help as it develops into the future.
Tribute and TeachingAll Souls : 1 November 2015
Our Vicar pays tribute to a recently-deceased parishioner then explains why purgatory is essential.
Bold ChristiansOrdinary 30 : 25 October 2015
’Supposing ... the Disciples had stuck by Jesus ... the whole outcome of that week in Jerusalem might have been very different.’ – Our Vicar considers how we might respond to opportunities to let others know about our faith.
Christian LeadershipOrdinary 29 : 18 October 2015
Our Vicar ponders the difficulties of leading effectively while being the servant of those you lead.
Service is CoolOrdinary 25 : 20 September 2015
Addressing the Diocesan Synod, Our Vicar explains why it is better to serve than be served.
Sin BustingExaltation of the Holy Cross : 13 September 2015
Sin and evil – what are they and how do we deal with them?
Professing the FaithOrdinary 23 : 6 September 2015
When in civvies, Our Vicar used to describe his job as ’a white collar worker’. Better things have prevailed and he now says ’I work for God’ – Are we equally definite when the chance arises?
Fights about FoodOrdinary 22 : 30 August 2015
In which Our Vicar tells the story of the guru and his cat to look at the importance of ritual in our religion.
The Sanctity of MarriageOrdinary 21 : 23 August 2015
Attitudes to marriage change from age to age. But marriage is important in the Christian understanding. How does that work?
The Significance of MaryAssumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary : 16 August 2015
Mascot, logo, symbol, mother? Just what does Mary show us about Christian life?
OriginsOrdinary 19 : 9 August 2015
How does the Son of God explain his origins? And how do we understand it?
Spiritual RevolutionOrdinary 18 : 2 August 2015
Our world is full of destabilising temptations. Today’s Ephesians reading proposes we deal with them by spiritual revolution. Our Vicar explains.
Cupboard LoveOrdinary 17 : 26 July 2015
As Our Vicar says, ’...most prayer in the New Testament is requesting and petitionary in its nature, but if we never get beyond ’what‘s in it for me’ religion our faith remains immature and somewhat self-centred.’
Building WallsOrdinary 16 : 19 July 2015
Walls can keep us safe, but can they keep us too separate?
EvilOrdinary 15 : 12 July 2015
Evil exists in the world, so what should be the religious response?
Faith and ActsOrdinary 12 : 21 June 2015
’...where He will have to explain the good news in terms of that which brings comfort, joy, meaning and the final resolution of life accompanied by mighty acts of power and to explain all this in clear, simple terms...’. - Sounds like a job for a mighty preacher. Our Vicar is on the subject.
Images of GodOrdinary 7 : 14 June 2015
’God cannot appear in our world just as he is...’ - Why not? And what does He do instead? Our Vicar explains.
Communing with GodCorpus Christi : 7 June 2015
The Eucharist is perhaps the greatest mystery, but there is a simple truth: ’...we are communing with God. That’s what Communion means...’.
Understanding the TrinityTrinity : 31 May 2015
Our Vicar reviews various understandings of the Trinity, how our current doctrine came to be and how it applies for us today.
Backwards and ForwardsPentecost : 24 May 2015
’...Pentecost ... is about a God who moves backwards and forwards...’ – confused? No need, Our Vicar explains.
Visions of the AscensionAscension : 17 May 2015
Do the lessons of the Ascension come from two thousand years ago, or is it still a living force in our world?
Control and FreedomEaster 6 : 10 May 2015
Some churches are controlled from a central point, and local parishes can lack individuality. Some churches operate with limited central control and a lot of local flexibility. Which characterises the Anglican way? And how can we make the best of it?
Proper PreparationEaster 5 : 3 May 2015
Our Vicar looks at the importance or preparing for the future -– even, perhaps especially, the eternal future.
Justice and AuthorityEaster 4 : 26 April 2015
Our Vicar considers the workings of justice systems – from the informal student courts of high school and university to the ultimate judgement.
The Point is UsEaster 3 : 19 April 2015
Dealing with departed loved ones is a common human trial. So does the Resurrection help us with that – or does it serve another purpose?
Resurrection StruggleEaster Day : 5 April 2015
Our Vicar has a question about the resurrection - and the answers to go with it.
One True LiberatorPalm Sunday : 29 March 2015
Human experience indicates liberators are often anything but liberating. All too often they become all-powerful oppressors in the fashion of those they replace. But the true liberator is quite different – in every way.
ConfessingLent 5 : 22 March 2015
Confession is perhaps not a widespread habit amongst Anglicans. Should it be? What is the point and purpose? Our Vicar explains.
Examining a conscienceLent 4 : 18 March 2015
Examination of one’s conscience is a useful precursor to making a confession, but it is not as easy as it sounds. Our Vicar offers some assistance.
Destroy This TempleLent 3 : 8 March 2015
Spurred by references in this morning’s readings, Our Vicar ponders just what is the Temple of The Lord – and whether the answer matters.
Turning PointLent 2 : 1 March 2015
Transfiguration is one of the annual habits in the Church year – but just what is the point?
Useful AngelsLent 1 : 22 February 2015
As Lent begins, we can find inspiration in the Heavenly Host.
Fundamental TruthsOrdinary 6 : 15 February 2015
The Gospel stories all overlay fundamental principles – as important now as they were in Christ’s time.
The God who makes things happenOrdinary 5 : 8 February 2015
Where do the healing miracles fit in today’s world of medical science?
The Missing YearsCandlemas : 1 February 2015
The Gospels tell us little or nothing of Christ’s life between the ages of about 13 and 30. Can we deduce anything useful? Is there any need to?
The Truth of the Missing GenerationOrdinary 3 : 25 January 2015
’...that is the place I think would be a much more productive starting point for our Diocesan Synod debates about youth ministry...’
What place? Listen and find out.
Taking on God’s CharacterOrdinary 2 : 18 January 2015
God became man so we could become closer to Him. But how do our baser instincts fit this scheme?
Baptism Then and NowBaptism of the Lord : 11 January 2015
Baptism has been a tradition in our Church for centuries – but have we been doing it as well as we could – as well as we should?
Revolutionary in the MangerEpiphany : 4 January 2015
’, nobody remembers the Parthian Empire, and really only historians and classicists care about the Roman Empire, but the Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus of Nazareth has become an enduring reality...’
Family LifeHoly Family : 28 December 2014
’The Feast of the Holy Family is a chance to pray for all these family gatherings across the country...’ And at this time of the year this is apt in many ways.
The Great CommunicatorChristmas Day : 25 December 2014
God often communicates through everyday stories. What is the point in the Christmas story?
Saying Yes to GodAdvent 4 : 21 December 2014
Our Vicar ponders what it was that made Mary say ’Yes’ to God – and how that matters to us in our time.
Parish Management HandbookAdvent 3 : 14 December 2014
’ ...Wouldn’t that be interesting for Vicars, if at the Day of Judgement they were assessed by the quality of parishioners they produced and the number of converts...’
Paul’s management of the Church in Thessalonia provides pointers for our parishes – and not just for our Vicars!
Preparations and FuturesAdvent 2 : 7 December 2014
Many of our preparations assume life will go on as we have known it. But we believe the Second Coming will alter life dramatically – don’t we? - Should we??
Useful GiftsAdvent 1 : 30 November 2014
We all have special gifts. Do we make the most of them?
Judging OutsidersChrist the King : 23 November 2014
’In a world in which many, including often our nearest and dearest, do not acknowledge Christ [what happens to non-believers] is an issue of more than passing interest’.
Buildings and ChurchesFeast of the Dedication of the Church : 16 November 2014
As we celebrate the dedication of Saint Peter's, Our Vicar considers the place of buildings in Church life.
ReconnectionsAll Souls : 9 November 2014
In which Our Vicar ponders the importance of our connections and wonders how reconnections will work in the life to come.
God’s Uncompetitive Kingdom25th Sunday : 21 September 2014
or Why we should not spend a lot of time worrying about what other people are doing.
The Special Sanctions of a Supernatural Society23rd Sunday : 7 September 2014
’ It is just about impossible to exclude someone from the benefits of Christian community when all they have to do is to walk down the road to another parish or another denomination...’
So, should we simply accept whatever behaviour our members exhibit? ... or not??
The Most Beautiful Thing in the World22nd Sunday : 31 August 2014
’ The most beautiful thing in the world is not a painting, or a sculpture, or a building that I can tell you to go and see. Nor is it a mystical experience of the transcendent God that is reliably logged in the history of Christian spirituality. It is...’
Love and Obey21st Sunday : 24 August 2014
’We live in an age where freedom is valued very highly, and in which obedience is seen as the virtue of dogs’ yet ’... when leaders decline to lead, ... shrink from the exercise of power and authority, ...major trouble can come the way of their Church.’
Our Vicar considers again how Christians fit in the modern world.
The Problem of DeathFeast of the Assumption : 17 August 2014
Did Mary’s Assumption into Heaven happen as it did for Christ? Will it for us?
The Transcendent ChristFeast of the Transfiguration : 10 August 2014
’What happened to the disciples we must allow to happen to us.’
Those Hindering Cosmic Powers18th Sunday : 3 August 2014
How do God and His angels operate in the temporal world?
That "P" Word17th Sunday : 27 July 2014
How does one become a Christian? Our Vicar suggests it is not all about us.
An Enemy has done this16th Sunday : 20 July 2014
St Thomas Aquinas, Aristotle, St Augustine and Plato introduce this week’s sermon. The subject? ’Is it true that the fork tailed person is active in our affairs?’.
Horticultural Holiness15th Sunday : 13 July 2014
Parables can be a puzzle so it is good to have them explained from time to time. This morning Our Vicar turns attention to the sower and the seed.
The Deepest and Darkest Word in Scripture14th Sunday : 6 July 2014
... and what word is that? Today’s sermon explains.
Devouring, Digesting, Assimilating, IndwellingCorpus Christi : 22 June 2014
Our Vicar looks at what taking Communion really means and what it can do for us.
What Heals Us?Trinity Sunday : 16 June 2014
In bereavement, focus on the pain? – or keep the stiff upper lip? What is the Christian way?
What Is Intimacy?Pentecost Sunday : 8 June 2014
In which Our Vicar offers himself as an Agony Aunt – of a rather special sort.
If I Leave Here Would You UnderstandAscension : 1 June 2014
This time of the year is all about hope - the heart of the Christian life. This week, Our Vicar ponders the good that can come of being left alone.
Going Away and Return ArrangementsEaster 6 : 25 May 2014
Our Vicar presents one of the great causes of Christian hope: ’We have not been left on our own...’
The Presence in the AbsenceEaster 5 : 18 May 2014
From the Emperor Constantine to his mother to the Crusades to the Crimean war – all in the first paragraph. Our Vicar’s thesis is timeless and simple - but not perhaps easy!
The Speech of a LifetimeEaster 4 : 11 May 2014
’Speaking in public in an unstructured situation on some issue of the moment on behalf of the things of God is one of the greatest challenges any preacher can face.’ - so how did St Peter do? - - how do we??
An Idyllic Walk in the CountrysideEaster 3 : 4 May 2014
Our Vicar considers this morning’s Gospel as a movie production - with the scene being set, audience expectations managed, and the story told almost incidentally.
Christ In You, My Christian NeighbourEaster 2 : 27 April 2014
From memories of his days at theological college, to recent changes to our liturgy and parish habits, Our Vicar considers the value of communal living in the Christian life.
The Easter Sermons 2014
Returning to the Father
The Reappearance of Angels
Swallowing Darkness
Our Capacity for SacrificePalm Sunday : 13 April 2014
’What I am referring to are some very unusual verses that most preachers avoid if they can possibly help it.’ says Our Vicar. But he seems to manage and arrives again at a core of our religion.
Skirmishing With DeathLent 5 : 6 April 2014
Can a sermon which starts with the great unbeliever, Lloyd Geering then moves on to Charels Darwin’s theories of evolution redeem itself? Try this one and see....
Provoking His EnemiesLent 4 : 30 March 2014
During His time on Earth, Our Lord seems to have been something of a stirrer. Why would He do that?
He Knows the Secrets of our Intimate LivesLent 3 : 23 March 2014
’Why has God thrown this stick of dynamite into humankind’s affairs...’
Our Vicar ponders the trials and rewards of humanity - and finds a useful Lenten discipline.
Not Needy, More Mature, Solitude SeekingLent 2 : 16 March 2014
Our Vicar ponders the place and value of patience and quietness in a busy, noisy world.
Is Your Sin Original?Lent 1 : 9 March 2014
The title says it all–one of the standards of Christian puzzlement and teaching–Original Sin.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Loving your Enemies (In the Church)7th Sunday : 23 February 2014
’ ... there are a couple of areas of our lives where today’s bracing teaching will give us pause for thought ...’
Thoughts about violence and love - find out more in today’s sermon.
He Heals the Wellsprings of Our Moral Decision Making6th Sunday : 16 February 2014
’ The problem for us is that the teaching is so demanding that we are inclined to shrink from it, and wonder if we were ever really a Christian.’.
But there is hope for us – Our Vicar explains.
Become What You Are5th Sunday : 9 February 2014
’Secular people like us when we are full of good works. They find it easier to fit us into the category of the useful ...’.
But what pleases God? asks Our Vicar.
The Disciplined Search for HolinessCandlemas : 2 February 2014
"... our Church has come to understand through long experience that those who want to have a life with God will need to be reasonably well organised about it..."
- and Our Vicar has some ideas about how we can organise ourselves.
The Pulling Power of his Prestige3rd Sunday : 26 January 2014
What is it that makes some people special to others - and is that something a pointer to Our Lord’s "success" as a leader during his time on Earth - or is there something other?
Fashioned for the Purpose of our Salvation2nd Sunday : 19 January 2014
"But God’s power must reckon with a considerable limitation." - How can this be? - Find out in this week’s sermon from Our Vicar.
Send Forth Your SpiritBaptism of the Lord : 12 January 2014
Are humans God’s only interest on Earth? Where does the rest of creation fit into the grand scheme of things?
Unity in Difference and Difference in UnityEpiphany : 5 January 2014
At Epiphany, we think of how the light reaches the nations. How do Anglicans measure up?
The Matrix of Divine LifeHoly Family : 29 December 2013
What does ’family’ mean to a Christian? Is our biological family important? What part does marriage play? Our Vicar has some thoughts!
The Narratives of LifeChristmas Day : 25 December 2013
The Christmas sermon - 2013.
Tenderness and TrustAdvent 4 : 22 December 2013
’Joseph is one of those background gospel figures who doesn’t get much mileage in the Christian tradition.’ - but is that deserved?
The Warning Voice from the FutureAdvent 2 : 8 December 2013
Our Vicar ponders the relative importance of past, present and future - and reaches a conclusion you may not expect.
The Lord of HistoryAdvent 1 : 1 December 2013
’... the readings leading up to Advent, and through the first part of the season echo this theme of catastrophe and judgment.’
O dear, is all to no avail? Check this week’s sermon to find the good news.
The Pain of RejectionChrist the King : 24 November 2013
’Today as we celebrate the feast of Christ the King we are acknowledging a very ironic style of Kingship’
And, says Our Vicar, we can put the style to use in our own lives.
The Right Word at the Right Time33rd Sunday : 17 November 2013
’When it comes to the crunch - when we are really up against it - when it comes to the defining moment of our Christian witness, no preparation will be necessary.’.
Because Jesus will give his followers ’an eloquence and a wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to contradict or resist.’.
The Law of Progressive Polarization32nd Sunday : 10 November 2013
What is The Law of Progressive Polarization?. In this sermon, Father Hugh explains what and why we should know about it.
Salvation as Process Rather Than EventAll Souls Day : 3 November 2013
’The protestant reformers had some strong points to make in their criticism of the practice.’
O no, can it really be so? Learn more in this week's sermon.
Bad Attitude30th Sunday : 27 October 2013
’... faith really becomes faith when what used to work doesn’t work anymore...’
Our Vicar looks again in to the heart of what it is to be a Christian - and to communicate with Our God.
A Thankful Spirit28th Sunday : 13 October 2013
Our Vicar considers the benefits - and the rightness - of being aware of all the good which happens in our lives.
Give Thanks to the Lord,
for He is Gracious, and His Mercies Endure ForeverHarvest and Thanksgiving Sunday : 6 October 2013
On the day which launches our Stewardship 2013 programme, Our Vicar looks at how earthly riches fit in the Christian life.
’Part of our spiritual responsibilities are giving back to God some of what he gave us in the first place, and so enabling his body the Church to go on its life with confidence and sure purpose.’
Better to Serve in Heaven Than Rule in Hell26th Sunday : 29 September 2013
’I doubt if any of us have treated beggars like dirt, or terminated our enemies with extreme prejudice. But ...’
The Spiritual Poison of Schadenfreude24th Sunday : 15 September 2013
A sermon embracing modern celebrities, contemporary politicians and ’...a motley crew of keen disciples, disreputable characters trying to get back on side with God again...’ two thousand years ago. What can they tell us?
Don’t Start What You Can’t Finish23rd Sunday : 8 September 2013
Our Vicar looks at why we should not be Christians of convenience.
Communitarian Rituals
Or How Changing People’s Dining Habits Changes Them
22nd Sunday : 1 September2013
’... we have a lot to learn from the early Christian’s generativity and originality... ’
Go All Out to Get In
21st Sunday : 25 August 2013
’The tone of this morning's gospel passage is of urgent concern that we might miss out, ...’ Perhaps life was easier when we had less freedom of choice?
Mother of God
Mary Mother of God : 18 August 2013
’The sermon caused uproar amongst his new parishioners....’ Not one of Our Vicar’s sermons of course! One from 428AD - and one which had momentous consequences.
Disclosing the Inner Life of God
Transfiguration : 11 August 2013
Our Vicar draws upon Canon Coates, the Council of Constantinople, King Lear, Sergius Bulgakov and the scriptures as he considers the nature of God - and the point of the Transfiguration.
Giving Something Up to Receive Much More
18th Sunday : 4 August 2013
’... sometimes it helps to say no to what we like in order to be able to say yes to what we want to become.’
17th Sunday : 28 July 2013
’We don’t have to be perfect, or to have our lives in good order, to be in regular contact with God’
But we do need to make the effort to talk with Him.
Being Hospitable to God
16th Sunday : 21 July 2013
’... hospitality is a Christian virtue ... ’
But what makes us hospitable to God?
The Children of Utu
15th Sunday : 14 July 2013
’Oddly enough for a warrior culture it was Christ’s message of forgiveness and non-retaliation that held out the promise ... ’
So surely it should work for us?
The Prince of Darkness and Father of Lies
14th Sunday : 7 July 2013
’C S Lewis had a point about how embarrassed some mainline Protestant churches have become about the one whom one of my priest friends refers to as, "Old Nick." ’
Our Vicar explains why it matters that fashionable church thought and practice often refuses to acknowledge the devil and his works.
The Cost of Being a Christian

’... it was crystal clear that you were inviting trouble in to your life by becoming a Christian.’
But what about now? What about us?? Are we getting it too easy?
Wrong doing and Regeneration
11th Sunday : 16 JUNE 2013
’As always in a gospel parable we are left worrying, "is this about me – ... ’
The Originality, Uniqueness and Freshness of Revelation
10th Sunday : 9 JUNE 2013
’What matters about religion is living a good life ...’ - right? Well, no. Definitely no says Our Vicar.
Until The Lord Comes
Corpus Christi : 2 JUNE 2013
Anglican Eucharist Services are sometimes criticised as looking only to the past. Our Vicar explains that their real value is in how they look to the future.
Boasting About Our Sufferings
Trinity Sunday : 26 MAY 2013
’The trinitarian God brims over with life, ... it is in his nature to share the gift of life..’. Why is it so important for us to try to understand the Trinity?
Working Backwards and Forwards
Pentecost Sunday : 19 MAY 2013
At Pentecost, Our Vicar looks at the importance of our past and our future and the part the Holy Spirit plays in opening them to us.
The Need for Oxygen
Ascension : 12 May 2013
Father Hugh considers the relationship between us, the Church and the Lord. ’ If we are open to our head, and to the wider Church community, then our lives can become richer in ways we never imagined.’
Interpreting The Interpreter
Easter 6 : 5 May 2013
In an age where communication methods have become almost a fashion item, Our Vicar considers how God does it.
A New Law for a New People
Easter 5 : 28 April 2013
Our Vicar asks ’... what does it mean to ’love one another: just as I have loved you?’’. And gives us an answer.
Check Your Energy Levels
Easter 4 : 21 April 2013
What The Lord did for the Apostles after Easter Day, he can do for us too. In this sermon, Our Vicar explains just what that might be.
The Unbroken Net
Easter 3 : 14 April 2013
As Our Vicar says, ’God ... has made it crystal clear in the New Testament that the last thing he wants to see is his collective presence in the world divided into thousands upon thousands of tin pot little sectarian groups.’ We just don’t seem to get it though. Why do we keep creating new Christian groups?
Take a body–add a community
Easter Day : 31 March 2013
Just what was our Lord up to during his appearances after the resurrection? Puzzling at first, it becomes clearer as Our Vicar works through his Easter sermon.
Appropriating Jerusalem
Palm Sunday : 24 March 2013
Our Vicar’s Palm Sunday sermon introduces themes for Holy Week.
Transforming Eros
Lent 5 : 17 March 2013
’... above all, eros ... isn’t satisfied with a human lover ...’
Could this be why God created desire?
When the manna stopped falling
Lent 4 : 10 March 2013
Do anniversaries matter? If not, nor would our Eucharist suggests Our Vicar.
There is a little time left
Lent 3 : 3 March 2013
Judgement and repentance - two of religion’s ’codewords’ are under the microscope
Listen to Him
Lent 2 : 24 February 2013
’Some of the best advice about preaching I have ever received is about the importance of always surprising your audience as you begin.’
-- Hooked?? Then read or listen to Our Vicar here.
Tested to Destruction
Lent 1 : 17 February 2013
Temptation is perhaps our greatest foe. But does it also offer our greatest opportunity?
Called Towards Eternity
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time : 10 February 2013
’So should we just accept death as a natural and inevitable part of living?’ Well no, says Our Vicar. And here’s why ...
Creatures of the Spirit
Candlemas : 3 February 2013
On the first anniversary of his institution, Our Vicar ponders the spirit.
’Reading Luke we might get the impression that spectacular signs and wonders always accompany being visited by the Spirit. ... that isn’t the only way we know and show that God’s empowering presence is with us. Often and usually it is about carrying out acts of service in which we carry out God’s work in the world ... ’
Letting The Word have power in our midst
Epiphany 3 : 27 January 2013
’Sometimes the Anglican Church is criticized by revivalist Christians for not being Scriptural enough. In fact we are more Scriptural than just about any other Church ... ’.
The World Is Itself
Epiphany 2 : 20 January 2013
’What did God think he was up to in making the world?’ - Our Vicar has some thoughts on that.
About Baptism and Confirmation
Baptism of the Lord : 13 January 2013
’... confirmation does matter, and should be encouraged ...’
The Return of Superstition and PaganismEpiphany : 6 January 2013
’Although our culture and our society is trying to distance itself from its Christian inheritance it is finding it hard to do so ...’. So, hope for the future? Or not? Our Vicar’s Epiphany sermon.
The Clues To His DestinyHoly Family : 30 December 2012
The angel Gabriel, Elizabeth, The Shepherds and Simeon and Anna all made it clear Jesus was no ordinary baby and would lead no ordinary life. But did Mary and Joseph absorb the reality? Do we?
That Human Medium of Communication
The Christmas Day sermon for 2012.
When Theology And Gynaecology Meet
In which Our Vicar rebuts some of the foolishness promoted by ’unbelieving sceptics outside the Church, and purveyors of fashionable heresy within the Church’ and reminds us that after all, God can do anything.
Solid Joys And Lasting Pleasures
In a world of immediate and often ephemeral pleasures, it is good to be reminded of what is truly important, what can be relied upon to make us happy for all time. Our Vicar explains and finds we have ’... every reason to rejoice.’.
That Quality Of End Time Living
As Advent begins, Our Vicar introduces a group about whom ’You could say that they are very Advent oriented Christians.’
Of course, there are other actors too - from Adolf Hitler to Fr Thomas Weinandy and Bonhoeffer via Max Hastings. "Who?" you say? - you need this sermon!
Jesus is Lord
’Since we do not live in a world of Roman Emperors, and of imperial persecution, the calls on our loyalty are not at first sight quite so clear-cut.’
But even in this civilised world, we have the choice to stand up for our faith or to quietly pretend that it doesn’t matter. In Jesus is Lord, Our Vicar looks at the ways we can still live our faith and be loyal to our Lord.
Lord of History, God of the Future
’... when Paul, just before his execution in Rome, looks back on a lifetime’s hard work of building up a network of new churches across the Mediterranean world, he is thinking about a cluster of modest sized communities...’
So was it worth it? Follow Father Hugh and find out.
What Really Comforts at Funerals
Father Hugh dislikes the current trend of turning funerals into a consumer experience. ’When all the emphasis is on accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, the essential element ... gets left out ...’
And what is the essential element? If you need to ask, you need this week’s sermon!
That Extra Dimension of Being
’...I am also wondering whether it is realistic to think that we might ever become a Saint?’ - Find out what Our Vicar decides.
What If...!
How different our world and future would be if various players in the Christian story had exhibited the courage of their convictions in the face of secular pressures. There being nothing new under the sun, Our Vicar suggests it is important for us to learn this lesson and be strong in our own time.
’Bartimaeus then is an inspiring faith model for us. ... If we can live like him we might change the way the story ends for not a few of the people we know.’
Ambitious, Power Hungry, Status Seekers Need Not Apply
Every organisation - including the church - needs leaders. But, says Our Vicar, ’...being a born leader is an ambivalent gift. For at the heart of it all is the exercising of power.’
In this sermon, Father Hugh considers what it takes to be a leader in Christ’s Kingdom and concludes that difficult as it may be, off-putting as it sounds, the difficult life is really the only life.
His Difficult Teaching on Wealth
’The teaching methods that Jesus uses ... are, as usual, full of paradox and irony.’
Our Vicar considers Jesus’ teaching on wealth and looks at how we can apply first principals in the modern world.
What did God intend in Creation?
’The New Zealand Anglican Church has bent over backwards to accommodate itself to its surrounding secular society.’ - and this, says Our Vicar, is not as it should be. Au contraire, we should be manifesting the Divine agenda which makes us unique.
What are Archdeacons for?
Our Vicar was asked to preach at the Collation of the Revd Janet Tait as Archdeacon of Belmont in St Paul’s Waiwhetu. Read his explanation of the Archdeaconate, ’ ...a peculiarly Anglican institution, and one that differs in different parts of the Anglican world.’ and one which helps to deal with clergy who, amongst themselves at least, are all too human.
Commit, Transmit
’We are living in a time when Churches with a clearly defined sense of identity, and a strong conviction about the central priority of God, are doing well.’
And as Our Vicar points out, if we want our church to be one of these we must each play our part.
Does God Change?
’Some of the great horrors of the 20th century have led to theologians trying to get God off the hook ... But this just won’t do, ...’
Revolutionising Marriage
’So offensive is [this morning’s text from Ephesians 5] to notions of popular feminism that it is hardly ever read out at marriage Services now, and my guess is that most preachers will pass over it in embarrassed silence today.’
Not Our Vicar though. A sermon to ponder as the modern secular world ’redefines’ so much we take as fundamental.
Queen of Heaven
Mary’s place has long been a subject for discussion in many churches. Our Vicar considers her status and concludes ’Jesus had opened a door through which she had now entered, and through which we are also invited to follow her. And having got there first she takes a lively interest in the rest of the Church...’.
A Glimpse into the Plenitude of his Being
Judaism tends to agree with Alan Pyatt, one time Bishop of Christchurch says Our Vicar.
But does Our Vicar agree with them? Or does the supernatural aspect of our faith still have a place?
What’s In it For Me Religion
"We are going to spend all eternity contemplating the Divine being of God with holy joy, and we might as well start now."
Why Walls Must Come Down
"The epistle to the Ephesians with its reminder of the reconciled humanity we are called to be is a standing rebuke to the three parallel jurisdictions we have become. It is time that this wall, like the wall in Israel/Palestine, came down, because Jesus is in the business of breaking down the barriers that used to keep us apart."
Unclean Spirits
Starting with a small yellow book, Our Vicar then surveys "sprites and spirits" and our views of them through human history and arrives at the "... lifesaver in a spiritually lost world."
"Perhaps the curate needed some coaching from the prophet Ezekiel," - Our Vicar looks at how God speaks to His people.
Learning from Saint Peter
At a Choral Evensong by candelight during our 2012 Patronal Festival celebrations, Our Vicar compares Saint Paul and Saint Peter and finds perhaps greater lessons to be learnt from the lesser saint.
I Remember
The Nativity of John the Baptist is the anniversary of Our Vicar’s ordination. Father Hugh reflects on the joys and privilege of being a priest.
The Masks of God
In a week when the local press reported on the position of our diocese, Our Vicar has the good news.
"We don’t live in a world in which things just happen. Often God is at work behind the scenes ... we will not be thrown away as he brings the garden of his delights into full production."Visiting That New Testament World of Wonder
"As the bus pulled in at St Paul’s they cried out, "Gates of ’evean," a wonderful description of any Church.".
The Full Stature of the Holy Spirit
"Eastern Christianity was upset about this innovation, pointing out that the Pope had no business adding an essential item to the creed..." - so what do, or anyway should, Anglicans think? A Trinity Sunday sermon in arguably Our Vicar’s area of greatest interest.
The Fading Echoes of His Presence
"The day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts was a one off..,." - but that does not mean Pentecost is an unimportant sideshow. Our Vicar explains...
I Sing the Body Ascended

Many of us consider there is rather too much emphasis now on body image. Our Vicar explains our physical form does still have some importance in Christian life though.
The Divine Perspective on Human Loving

"When marriage is looked at in this way we see its long-term goal".
And not only marriage - all human interaction will benefit from seeing things God’s way says Our Vicar.
You Cannot Give What You Have Not Recevied

"...that is the first note for us to sound on this Harvest Festival Sunday - gratitude to God for finding ourselves in an abundant land ..."
The Cross a Pasture
In which Father Hugh starts with stained glass windows, traverses sheep and history and arrives at the central comfort of our religion.
A shaft of sunlight from Heaven
"He then proceeded to reel off a list of apostates, atheists, and fashionable unbelievers, headed of course by ..." to find out who - and how sunlight from Heaven fits in - join Our Vicar for this week’s sermon.
The Grounds for Belief
"Is it a religious experience that brings people to belief and faith? No, that is not enough." So then, what does it take? Join Father Hugh for ideas on the matter.
Special package
Holy Week and Easter Sermons, all in one convenient place.
Saying the Unsayable
"There is a kind of truth which, when it is said, becomes untrue" So can we trust anything? Can we even trust ourselves to be unambiguously true to our faith?
That Enrapturing Vision
" can come as a shock to learn just how picky Jesus could be about whom he mixed with."
The cross, our access to intimacy
Our Vicar ponders how "A rather cool customer and perhaps a little hard to get to know, you might think, on first meeting." demonstrated the ins and outs of intimate association - over two thousand years ago!.
He is the Temple and We are His Body
"In today’s gospel incident Jesus turns up at the Temple to find that the local entrepreneurs have little to learn from some contemporary Cathedral visitor centres." - Faint praise?? No praise?? or veiled criticism??? Read or listen as Father Hugh considers the trappings of Anglo-Catholicism.
The Connection between Glory and Suffering
In which Father Hugh preaches upon a subject he used to avoid. Just what is the connection between iron maidens in Spain and Saint Peter’s on Good Friday?
One Foot in Eden
"Animals and humans didn’t get where they did today by being vegetarians."
Yet much Christian thought now suggests the animal kingdom is our equal in God’s creation. O dear! - another conundrum for us.
The Paralysis of the Will
"... but it could equally be called the story of outrageous house wrecking and roof vandalisation."
Something sounds very modern in the Scriptures - again!. How can this help show our way to "the place of receiving God ’ s absolution"? Join Father Hugh to find out.
The Road to The Cross
Small actions can have major consequences, and it has always been so. With examples across the span of history, Father Hugh demonstrates how small, thoughtless actions cause havoc amongst us.
Mystery and Power
In which Father Hugh looks at how Jesus was seen by contemporaries, and looks forward to Lent.
Institution Sermon
At his institution to Saint Peter’s, Our Vicar speaks of what is important in parish ministry - including the value of not presenting boring sermons!
Enjoying it
Visiting Saint Peter’s in September, 2011, Mr. Bowron preached on the importance of being in some degree relaxed about our religion. Not like the churchwarden who "once memorably said to me ’the great thing about the 8 o’clock service is that I can get straight back to the office.’ "
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